Thursday, 22 March 2012

Plant Based Enzymes As Catalyzers And Regulators…

On our site at Green Earth Naturals, you see a lot of talk about “plant-based enzymes” or “digestive enzymes,” different statements about “gut health” and probiotics that help your gut get into gear. But what do these terms all really mean? This blog will help you sort through those labels and learn the lingo of the gut health language!
First, what are enzymes? Enzymes are energy-filled types of protein molecules which are found in all living cells. They are the catalyzers and regulators of the chemical reactions and processes that take place in the body, and which control assimilation and catabolism of food. Enzymes are necessary in digesting food as well. They break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber, and at the same time, they remove toxins from those foods, making the product safe for our bodies. They turn the food we eat into energy for use. Enzymes are more or less prominent in the body based on overall health. Improved immune function will increase the presence and strength of enzymes in the body.
Now, Green Earth Naturals specifically deals with plant-based enzymes. Plant-based enzymes are the most common enzymes used in natural food supplements. As you would imagine, they come from plants, extracted from aspergillus, and then grown in a laboratory setting on plants such as soy and barley. The four most prevalent are called Protease, Lipase, Amylase and Cellulase. They are plant-based, microbial, and fungal. Plant-based are always the most active and potent enzymes. This means they are able to break down the most food sources in the body most efficiently.
Plant-based enzymes build up the digestive system and maintain balance within it. This allows the body to produce more metabolic enzymes in general, because energy doesn’t have to be spent on producing those digestive enzymes as much anymore. Plant-based enzymes are also sometimes used in creating formulas that treat certain illnesses.

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