We are always looking to educate our consumers more and more about the amazing health benefits found in probiotics, probiotic acidophilus (in particular), plant-based enzymes, blue-green algae from Lake Kamath, and more. This blog will be a continuation of another blog that described health benefits more specifically from the L. acidophilus bacteria.
How, exactly, does this probiotic help with digestion? Well, L. acidophilus actually reacts with proteins and carbohydrates in our systems and breaks them down along with the acid in your stomach. Additionally, this probiotic helps in calcium absorption, it slows or inhibits cancer cells, and it even reduces cholesterol levels of the bad kind. All over, it is an immune system stimulator. What happens is that your body begins to get a break, it processes what you’ve consumed more efficiently, it gives you energy more consistently and quickly, and it eliminates matter from your system more efficiently. This means you don’t harbor toxins as long, you are lighter, and of course… happier because of these things
Our Dr. Shahani’s DDS-1 strain of L. acidophilus, his probiotic acidophilus, is designed to target the right areas of the gut rather than be a more general supplement. IT is designed specifically for immune health and strength, which is so important in all areas of our health. The other benefits still apply, but there is a stronger pull in the immune function area.
The benefits seem to keep unfolding, between plant-based enzymes and algae, along with these probiotics, you’ll be one your way to some of the best digestion and thus the best state of physical health in your life!
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