Friday, 18 May 2012

klamath Lake Algae Contaminants free Nutrient...

At Green Earth Naturals, we want you to know what your supplements are all about. What exactly are you getting? What is Klamath Lake algae and why is it special? Probiotic acidophilus? Plant-based enzymes? Sometimes it’s hard to keep them all straight, so this blog will focus on the blue-green algae that comes from Klamath Lake, which is one of our more popular supplements. This algae is not a probiotic bacteria like probiotic acidophilus, even though they are both very small and very helpful to our internal environments. It’s also not a plant based enzyme. 

It is a plant, though, a fresh water algae growing in natural abundance in Upper Klamath Lake. This algae works with the Southern Oregon Cascade Mountains, when rain water washes tons of mineral-rich volcanic soil into the alkaline lake every year. This mineral-rich water, clean air, and high intensity sunlight make the beautiful ecosystem of Upper Klamath Lake essentially perfect for the growth of this essentially perfect nutrient. The survival of this blue green algae depends on the best strains of it reproducing itself. 

Fortunately, it has a very good ability to do this, communicating with the environment and other strands within the algal bloom. Algae can reproduce itself almost every four days, which means an enormous amount will continually bloom in Klamath Lake. We store the Klamath Lake algae in a cool environment until it is ready to be processed, so as to preserve the richness of its nutrients and keep it free from contaminants.

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